What is Dividend, Divisor, Quotient and Remainder ?

Dividend, Divisor, Quotient and Remainder
In division we divide a number with another one.So there are terms like dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder which always confuses us particularly the terms dividend and divisor.

So i will explain it very simply,

Suppose we are dividing 11 by 4, then

Dividend is the main number we are going to divide.Suppose as shown in the image we want to divide 11 by 4. 11 is the dividend.

Divisor is the number with which we will divide our main number.So here 4 is the divisor.

Quotient is the answer we get after dividing two numbers.So here it is 2.

Remainder is the number which is left after dividing.Here so it is 3.

And Now there is a relationship between these four which is the most useful in solving lot of problems.Some students call it as Dividend Divisor Formula. The relation is

Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

so from the figure we can write that 11 = 4 × 2 + 3

Some more examples are giving:

1.Dividing 1557 by 23
Dividing 1557 by 23
Here Dividend is 1557, Divisor is 23, Quotient is 67 and Remainder is 16.
Lets Check the Dividend Divisor formula or relationship, so

1557 = 23 × 67 + 16 ,  so the relation satisfies here and always.

2.Dividing 34560 by 54
Dividing 34560 by 54
Here Dividend is 34560, Divisor is 54, Quotient is 640 and Remainder is 0.
Lets Check the Dividend Divisor formula or relationship, so

34560 = 54 × 640 + 0 ,  so the relation satisfies here and always.
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About Vaishakh

I Like to explain complex things in simple language so anybody can understand the concepts easily.