Place Value and Face Value. What is it?

Place value and Face value
Place Value and Face Value are two terms related to a single digit in a number.So what are they, in simple language Face value of a digit is the digit itself, while Face value of a digit depends on the position of that digit in the number.Here lets take a big number 78564382 as shown in the image.
Here the position of digit 5 is in the 1 Lakh position. This position is known as Place of the digit.So to get Place Value multiply the digit with the Place of the digit, here it is 1 Lakh. So here Place Value of 5 is 5 × 1,00,000 ,so Place Value is 5,00,000.

Face Value and Place Value of all the digits are shown below. Note Place Value = Face Value × Place. An easy way to get Place Value is take the Face Value and put zeros to the right side of that digit till end of the number.

Face Value78564382
Place Value700000008000000500000600004000300802

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About Vaishakh

I Like to explain complex things in simple language so anybody can understand the concepts easily.


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